AEC (UK) BIM technology protocol-v2-1-1-201506022




The AEC (UK) Initiative was formed in 2000 to improve the process of design
information production, management and exchange. Initially the initiative addressed
CAD layering conventions as the primary concern for users of design data. As design
needs and technology has developed, the initiative has expanded to cover other
aspects of design data production and information exchange.
The committee was re-formed in 2009, including new members from companies and
consultancies highly experienced in BIM software and implementation, to address the
growing need within the UK AEC industry for application of UK standards in a unified,
practical & pragmatic manner within a design environment.
The AEC (UK) BIM Protocol was first released in November 2009.
Version 2.1 represents the first part of a major update to align with current UK (and
relevant International) protocols, standards and documents. Updates to the platformspecific
supplements will follow in due course.

AEC (UK) BIM Technology
Practical implementation of BIM for the UK Architectural, Engineering
and Construction (AEC) industry.

Version 2.1.1

June 2015

Updated to align with current industry
protocols, specification and documents.


Copyright Notice:
It is important to note that this guide will only become truly useful if as many companies
adopt it as possible. To that extent it may be freely distributed and used in any format
necessary, provided that extracts or any reproductions in whole or in part are credited
as being reproduced from the original AEC (UK) source documents.
Note: Copyright exists on other documents referred to in this guide. Reproduction of
content from those documents must adhere to their reproduction requirements and
necessary copyrights.