



Estimating & Scheduling
with BIM Guide
BIMForum Estimating & Scheduling
Chairs: Brent Pilgrim, Will Ikerd, P.E, Benjamin Crosby
Version 20.00 | November 2020 Public Comment


Estimating & Scheduling with BIM Guide
November 2020 Public Comment Draft
Brent Pilgrim, Committee Chair
Will Ikerd, P.E., Committee Vice-Chair
Benjamin Crosby, Committee Vice-Chair
Nothing contained in this work shall be considered the rendering of legal advice. Readers are responsible for
obtaining such advice from their own legal counsel. This work and any forms herein are intended solely for
educational and informational purposes.
All images are intended to illustrate building conditions in compliance with common building codes. However,
the images do not take into account site specific conditions, regional building codes and other important
information that may require a material change for specific projects. These illustrations do not make
representation for fitness for a particular project nor for code or design compliance.
Copyright © 2019-2020 by BIMForum. All rights reserved
The Estimating and Scheduling with BIM Specification is made available to the public without charge. In order
to maintain the integrity and usefulness of these documents as a reference standard, certain restrictions apply
to their use. These documents are licensed to the public under Creative Commons licenses as follows:
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0
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Licensing questions should be directed to the committee chairs., Images courtesy of Ascend Building Knowledge Foundation,, Copyright © 2020